Video: Unbelievable Chocolate Cake!

by Marlene Koch

It’s true that chocolate cake seems like a big indulgence for a healthy living site, but this cake, from Marlene Koch’s Eat What You Love Cookbook, is ideal for people with diabetes and a sweet tooth. It’s low in sugar, fat and calories, and it can include your favorite sugar substitute, so you won’t have to worry about your [glossary]blood glucose level[/glossary]. Another benefit is that Marlene uses buttermilk. It’s low in fat, but keeps this decadent cake soft and moist. You can also substitute the white flour in this recipe for whole grain cake flour and have a dish that’s full of vitamins, minerals and [glossary]fiber[/glossary]!

For another delicious and diabetes-friendly dessert, have a look at our Mango Pudding recipe.


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