
Diet And Exercise Are Not Enough To Reverse Obesity For Most

People who struggle with obesity (BMI over 30) are often told to eat less and get more physical activity to achieve a healthy weight. But according to researchers at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at Columbia University Medical Center, these lifestyle changes do not help 80% to 95% of obese people. They wrote an article for The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology stating that taking in fewer calories tends to make obese people gain even more weight over the long term. [ Read more ]

April 20, 2015

Curb your appetite with exercise

  You can break a sweat, get your heart racing, and turn your body into a calorie-burning machine with exercise.  The more intense the exercise, the greater the burn [ Read more ]

December 5, 2014

Ease Into Exercise

  Are you someone who exercises every day? Even if you’re not, you probably know that physical activity is an easy way to improve your overall health. Getting regular [ Read more ]

December 5, 2014

Take Steps For Better Health

Recent research has shown that obesity and inactivity is actually the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States. About 400,000 Americans die each year [ Read more ]

September 24, 2014

St-r-e-t-ch: Increase Flexibility To Lessen Injuries

Squeezing physical activity into your hectic daily schedule can be a challenge. So why waste precious time with warm ups and stretching when you can be out on the sports field, tennis court or golf course instead? “A common cause of non-traumatic sports injuries is poor flexibility,” says Dr. John O'Kane, attending physician at the University of Washington Sports Medicine Clinic. “If people stop and take a few minutes to prepare their bodies before and after exercising, they can increase flexibility and help avoid being sidelined by an injury.” [ Read more ]

September 17, 2014

Pedometers: Counting Every Step

As you probably have heard by now, many people with diabetes are now walking as a way to exercise. This kind of exercise doesn’t need special equipment, which is beneficial for people looking for an effective and yet cheaper way to work out. You can do it anywhere, and what’s better is you don’t have to pay and join a gym. However, you may need a tool in order to track your progress, improve your workout, and make the walking much more enjoyable. If you’re struggling to add walking to your busy life, this tool—the pedometer—can help you. [ Read more ]

September 3, 2014

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